President Trump speaks about the coronavirus in the James Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House, Monday, April 13, 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
Good morning and welcome to Fox News First. Here's what you need to know as you start your day ...
Trump shifts focus on reopening US as coronavirus takes its toll on economy
A few weeks ago, President Trump took to Twitter and—in all caps—wrote, “We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself.” The president was apparently referring to the dramatic steps that the U.S. and other countries around the world were taking to defend their citizens against the new coronavirus.
The pandemic was unfamiliar territory for federal, state and local governments. U.S. officials relied on data from epidemiologists to prevent the country from spiraling into a more severe health crisis. A famous saying in the early days of the crackdown was: better to overreact than to underreact.
But after weeks of adhering to strict social distancing guidelines that were praised by health experts, the country is experiencing some dramatic side effects. The economy has ground to a halt and some Americans claim that their civil liberties were another casualty of the disease.
Trump told a White House press briefing Monday that he has “total” authority on when to reopen the U.S. and said he believes that the economy will "boom" once he gives it the green light. He said he has a new task force that will be focused solely on that task.
He said that he has been holding discussions with senior aides on how to roll back federal social distancing recommendations that are set to expire at the end of the month. He stressed that he wants Americans to be “very, very safe.” Click here for more on our top story.
Other related developments:
- Trump defends early coronavirus actions in heated briefing, as Fauci regrets ‘poor choice of words’
- Coronavirus stay-at-home orders stir protests nationwide
- Coronavirus in the US: State-by-state breakdown
WHO under fire after Taiwan releases December email showing unheeded warning about coronavirus
The World Health Organization (WHO) is under fire after Taiwan released the contents of a December email inquiring about the person to person spread of COVID-19, saying it was instead ignored by WHO and denied adequate information to fight the virus.
Taiwan is accusing WHO of downplaying the severity and spread of the coronavirus in an attempt to pander to China even after Taiwan sounded the alarm about at least seven cases of atypical pneumonia that they were aware of in Wuhan where the virus originated. Click here for more.
Other related developments:
- To get all the latest news on coronavirus and more delivered daily to your inbox, sign up here.
- What would happen if Trump administration pulled its majority funding from the WHO?
- US gives 10 times the amount of money to WHO than China
Biden accuser vows never to vote 'in a national election again ... I will not vote for Joe Biden'
A former aide to former Vice President Joe Biden, who is accusing the Democrats' presumptive presidential nominee of sexually assaulting her during the early 1990s when he was a senator, tells Fox News that not only will she not vote for Biden this November, but she will never vote in the general election again.
Tara Reade, who alleged the assault took place in the basement of a Capitol Hill office building in the spring of 1993, said in a statement to Fox News:
"I will not ever vote in a national election again. Despite the fact I come from a family of Democrats. I worked for Leon Panetta, [California] State Sen. Jack O'Connell and Joe Biden. I worked hard for the Democratic Party as a young woman. It is obvious by the tremendous smears about me leveled by Biden campaign and supporters after I came forward about Biden and the complete lack of support from any Democrat that they care more about protecting Joe Biden than addressing the serious allegations by me and the other seven women who complained about his misconduct." Click here for more.
Other 2020 presidential race developments:
- NY Times editor suggests report on Biden accuser was changed after Biden campaign complained
- Biden's goal of uniting Democrats with progressive support faces uncertain future despite Sanders endorsement
America Together: Send us your photos and we'll tell your story as the nation battles coronavirus.
Natural light, fresh air could keep coronavirus out of workplaces, scientists suggest.
California, Oregon, Washington governors announce their own plans to restart their economies.
North Korea has fired suspected cruise missiles, South Korea says.
Coronavirus stimulus cash could come on prepaid cards.
Fed to launch commercial paper liquidity backstop Tuesday.
Pork plant's coronavirus shutdown sparks fears of a meat shortage.
#TheFlashback: CLICK HERE to find out what happened on "This Day in History."
Dr. Marc Siegel took a rapid COVID-19 test live on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on Monday.
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Fox News First is compiled by Fox News' Bryan Robinson. Thank you for making us your first choice in the morning! Stay safe, stay healthy and look out for one another -- we will get through this coronavirus pandemic together. We'll see you in your inbox first thing Wednesday morning.