
Six years ago, three Los Angeles brothers started a clothing company with a conscience, called Apolis Activism, a man's fashion and accessory line. Their products are made around the world and marketed to retailers based on their job creation in emerging nations. Today, sales are skyrocketing.

Fox News correspondent Adam Housley is on the Job Hunt checking out Apolis Activism in Los Angeles.

Apolis Activism

• Apolis Activism is a men's fashion and accessories company based in downtown L.A.

• Apolis Activism is an independent company started by three brothers.

• The brothers started making garments in 2004 and began embroidering a trademark red stitch on each piece.

• Apolis Activism was started in Santa Barbara, Calif.

• The company works with small suppliers in underdeveloped nations.

Apparel Manufacturing Jobs

• 198,400 employees in U.S. apparel manufacturing in 2008

• 44 percent percent of Textile, Textile Product, and Apparel Manufacturing jobs are in three States — California, North Carolina, and Georgia.


• 2008: Approximately 97% of the apparel sold in the U.S. was manufactured abroad.

• 99% of footwear sold in the U.S. was manufactured abroad.

Apparel Sales

• Total U.S. apparel sales dropped -7% in first 6 months of 2009 to $85 billion compared with the same period in 2008

• The U.S. apparel retail industry grew by +3.8% in 2008 to reach a value of $307.5 billion.

• In 2013, the United States apparel industry is forecast to have a value of $366 billion in retail sales, an increase of +19.1% since 2008.

Spending on Apparel

• Average of 2.5 Americans spent roughly $1,801 on apparel and services in 2008

• Survey: Over 20 percent of teens worldwide said clothes and accessories were affected most in their reduced spending.

Prices of Apparel and Accessories

• Average Retail Price for Accessories [jewlery, watches, sunglasses, bags & luggage, gloves, belts, etc] in June 2009 was $19.45

• Some $23.9 billion was spent in the U.S. on accessories [-5.5 percent from the same time period last year]