
Who loves scotch more than Ron Burgundy?

“I love scotch. Scotchy, scotch, scotch. Here it goes down, down into my belly,” Will Ferrell’s character hilariously said in the 2004 comedy “Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy.”

To commemorate the Dec. 20 release of the next installment of Ron Burgundy’s antics – “Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues,” Ben & Jerry’s has released a limited edition flavor called, you guessed it: Scotchy Scotch Scotch.

The new flavor contains "butterscotch ice cream with ribbons of butterscotch swirl" –but alas, not a drop of actual alcohol.

“Scotchy, Scotch, Scotch is a delicious ice cream and I hope Ben and Jerry consider my other suggestions,” Ron Burgundy said in a press release. “Malt liquor marshmallow, well liquor bourbon peanut butter, and cheap white wine sherbet.”

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The company unveiled the new flavor at New York City’s Pier 36 along with a performance by the film's Nutty The Waterskiing Squirrel.

Ron Burgundy isn't the only character to be win a spot on a Ben & Jerry’s ice cream container.  Liz Lemon from NBC's "30 Rock" got a Greek frozen yogurt earlier this year. And then there was the infamous Schweddy Balls flavor, inspired by an SNL skit.

Scotchy Scotch Scotch will be in stores for the next few weeks.