Finally, “The Real Housewives of New York,” the show that launched such desperate media hounds as Jill Whazzernmae, Ramona MILF and Bethenny Loud, has decided after too many seasons of sickening to do something decent.
The newest “Housewife,” Aviva Drescher, 38, is not just another typical wealthy Upper East Side richie with the requisite long blond hair and long legs.
Definitely not.
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For starters, Drescher only has one leg — she lost the other when she was six years old in a farming accident while visiting a friend upstate.
That would stop a lot of young girls from pursuing a full life. Not Drescher.
In fact, she’s a twice-married lawyer and mom of four.
PHOTO: New 'Housewife' Aviva Drescher.
In fact, in as typical a Manhattan story as it gets, she met husband, Reid Drescher at, yes, Bed Bath and Beyond. Both were hauling around toddlers as they re-stocked home supplies after difficult divorces.
“The kids started playing with each other, and he said, ‘It’s tough being a single dad,’ ” says Drescher.
“Was he hitting on you?” we asked. She laughed, which she does a lot. “Yes, I think so. Let’s say we took the ‘beyond’ to another level.” No kidding. They now have two more children together.
OK, so we asked the gorgeous, nearly six-footer, the hard question: “How did you tell him — or any guy you dated — that you are an amputee?”
“When I first started dating at Fieldston [her high school],” she said, “everybody knew about it — so it was not a big deal.
“But in law school, it was different.
“People are sexually attracted to each other, and after a date or two I’d have to tell them.
“It’s a great way to weed out the ones who shouldn’t have been with me. It was almost a protection from the bad ones out there."