A sign laying out the tolls on Thursday. (Fox 5)
Drivers in northern Virginia, navigating the year’s first snowfall, had the option to drive in the express lane during rush hour -- but had to shell out $30 or more for the luxury.
.@Wendys can you explain why @VAExpressLanes is charging $30 to get home? Doing the math, that's about 14 Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers 🤔 pic.twitter.com/mDCPa3yThP
— Raisa Crespo (@RaisaFOX5) January 5, 2017
The news station showed a photo of a $30 charge Thursday, reporting that a 36-minute trip cost over $45.
There was no cap on how high the prices could fluctuate based on the real-time traffic demand, a spokesman for the company that manages the express lanes told Fox 5.
“Tolls can range from as low as $0.20 per mile during less busy times, and up to approximately $1.00 per mile in some sections during rush hour. However, rates may rise significantly above the typical range for periods of time in the event of unusually heavy congestion or a specific event like a traffic accident or lane(s) closure,” Transurban, the company, stated on its website.