
LOGAN, Utah -- A Utah woman became so annoyed by her husband's addiction to video games that she put him up for sale on Craigslist.

Kyle Baddley, 22, spent so much time playing the recently released "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3" that wife, Alyse, warned her mother-in-law: "I'm going to sell your son on Craigslist."

The 21-year-old soon made good on the threat, according to ABC News, by posting a classified ad on her local version of the website.

"I am selling my 22-year-old husband. He enjoys eating and playing video games all day. Easy to maintain, just feed and water every 3-5 hours," her post on the Logan, Utah, Craigslist site read.

Kyle Baddley's future home "must have Internet and space for gaming," the ad continues. "If acceptable replacement is offered will trade."

His wife said the ad was intended as a joke, but responses ranged from a man who offered himself in trade -- claiming he preferred books to video games -- to people concerned about their relationship.

"The ad was all just a joke, and I love my husband and he loves me," Alyse Baddley said. "I didn't ever think anyone would reply to this, but it's gotten so much attention, which is kind of cool."

Kyle Baddley's father Scott said his son has since cut down on his "Modern Warfare" time and was planning a Thanksgiving trip to Florida with his wife.

The Craigslist ad was still on the site as of Monday afternoon.