Princeton professor goes on anti-POTUS tirade
Professor Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor slams President Trump during commencement speech
A Princeton University professor accused President Trump of being a “racist, sexist megalomaniac” in a May 20 commencement speech at Hampshire College, a private liberal arts college in Amherst, Mass.
“The president of the United States, the most powerful politician in the world, is a racist, sexist megalomaniac,” said Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, who is an assistant professor in African American studies, according to a report by Campus Reform reporter Anthony Gockowski.
“It’s not a benign observation, but has meant tragic consequences for many people in our country -- from terror-inducing raids in the communities of undocumented immigrants to his disparaging of refugees in search of freedom and respite,” said Taylor, who is the author of “From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation.”
During the speech, according to The Blaze, Taylor, who is on sabbatical for the 2016/2017 academic year, suggested that the federal court decisions striking down Trump’s executive orders temporarily restricting immigration from several Muslim-majority nations were the result of political activism, not the application of the law.
“When Trump’s first illegal Muslim travel ban was attempted, thousands of ordinary people flooded the airports around this country,” she said. “And because of those protests, and the defiance they represented, that ban was stopped -- not once, but twice. It is not enough just to be outraged. Injustice has to actually be defied.”
Taylor also said Trump “empowered an attorney general who embraces and promulgates policies that have already proven to have had a devastating impact on black families and communities.”
Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced May 12 that he has told prosecutors to pursue the most serious charges possible against criminal suspects -- a reversal of Obama-era policies, and a move that infuriated civil rights groups.