
Michael Moore thinks women who voted for President Donald Trump are "victims" of "misogyny and the sexism that is still so prevalent and ingrained" in society.

The liberal filmmaker was on MSNBC's "AM Joy" Sunday when he recalled a conversation he said he had with a female Trump voter.

"... She was telling me that she voted for Trump. I said 'Really? In spite of his attitudes toward women and the things that he said?' And she said, 'Well, you know, women, a lot of us, we've just had to learn to take it over the years. You know, that’s how my dad talked and that’s how my brothers talk.'"

Moore said her response was a "reminder of still how far we have to go."

He then paraphrased something actor John Leguizamo once said.

"He says 'I'm Hispanic and I always thought racism was our number one problem that we have to deal with, but this election really showed that we’ve ignored the misogyny and the sexism that is still so prevalent and ingrained.'"