LeAnn Rimes has made no secret of her desire to have a child, and what could be better to get hubby Eddie Cibrian in a baby-making mood than a romantic trip to Hawaii? Well, as romantic as a trip to Hawaii can be with two sets of meddling in-laws.
“We’ve been in Hawaii for–I don’t know, maybe twenty minutes–and I’m already starting to think that bringing both sets of parents maybe wasn’t a good idea,” LeAnn announced on the season finale of her “semi-scripted” VH1 reality show, “LeAnn and Eddie.”
After a bumpy helicopter ride to the Turtle Bay Resort, LeAnn, Eddie and both sets of in-laws decide to lounge by the pool, where the conversation quickly turns to LeAnn’s mother’s morals.
“I don’t drink liquor–I just can’t stand it,” announced Belinda Rimes, looking pointedly at her bikini-clad daughter. “I’ve never drank, I’ve never smoked, I’ve never ran around on my husbands.”
After an awkward pause, LeAnn told her mom, “Well, I got you beat on that one.” Belinda looked squarely at her daughter and said, “Yeah, you did.”
LeAnn did not take kindly to this particular criticism. After her mom left, she defended her cheating ways to Eddie, “It’s not like I was planning on it.” He grabbed her hand and smiled, “Baby, I’m very persuasive.”
Later at dinner, LeAnn made a toast to “babies,” which piqued her mother’s interest. Eddie quickly clarified the announcement, “She’s off birth control,” he said. “We’re not trying-trying, but if it happens, it happens.”
Eddie’s lackadaisical response irked LeAnn. “After many conversations about when we should start trying and if we’re going to actually have a child, for Eddie to try to qualify what ‘trying’ or ‘trying-trying’ is is a little frustrating,” she said. “This has been a big decision for us, so I get the feeling sometimes that he might be having second thoughts.”
The next day, LeAnn, Eddie and their respective parents spend the morning paddle boarding. At local bakery, Eddie excused himself and LeAnn decided to share with all four parents that she’s missed her period. “It would be funny if you’re Fertile Myrtle and it took us twelve years to have one,” beamed Belinda. “And then she can have twins!”
After an afternoon spent swimming with sharks and dodging paparazzi, LeAnn confessed that she was worried what “Crazy” (aka Eddie’s ex, “Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” star Brandi Glanville) would think about her pregnancy. “I’m sure she’ll talk s***t about our baby,” Eddie told her, not-so-reassuringly.
Meanwhile, Belinda and Eddie’s mom went to the nearest convenience store to buy a pregnancy test. After the “obligatory luau,” LeAnn, Eddie and their parents retreated to the hotel suite. There, LeAnn peed in a wine glass, placed it on the table in front of her family, and administered the pregnancy test.
It was negative.
“A little part of me was relieved,” LeAnn admitted. “I have this amazing, supportive husband by my side who is ready, I have a great family around me who is definitely ready, and I know that there are so many more exciting things ahead–and I can go drink now.”