
It’s about 400 megabytes of a soldier’s memories captured on a hard drive.

George Williams says a friend found the beat-up hard drive and traded it to him in Lynnwood, Wash., for a few cigarettes.

“There were pictures of them in camp, pictures of the war, pictures of some cities around there and there were also family pictures.  I don’t know if it’s fate. Maybe it was because if it was in somebody else’s hands, they would have wiped everything out and forgotten it,” says Williams.

Williams says he’s a Vietnam veteran and he couldn’t just wipe the drive clean; the soldier in him knew that wasn’t the honorable thing to do.

“It’s a part of our lives that is kind of hard to explain.  The pictures would be important because basically it’s your tie with your past,” says Williams.

Judging by the pictures he believes the rightful owner’s name is possibly “Jeff” and he spent time overseas serving our country.  “Because of the years of the pictures, it looks like he was more in the Desert Storm [operation in Iraq].  It looks like he trained people, but also went out with them,” says Williams.

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