
A New York charity worker who was nearly killed by a shopping cart pushed over a garage railing by teenagers in October spoke publicly for the first time Monday -- expressing compassion for the pranksters who dropped the cart on her head.

Marion Hedges, during a walk outside her Upper East Side apartment, said she hasn't received an apology from the perpetrators.

"I haven't heard from them, but I wish them well," Hedges said. "I do, because I feel very sorry for them.

"I don't know that my son would do something like that or that his friends would do something like that. But there were a lot of things in their lives to bring them to that. A shopping mall is not a place for kids to hang out."

Hedges was standing under a ramp at an East Harlem parking lot when the shopping cart, pushed by the pair of teens 50 feet above her, came crashing down on her head.

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After days in an induced coma, she has made a slow and painful recovery.

Click here for more on this story from The New York Post.