
It's the latest baby trend to come out of New York City's hip Brooklyn neighborhoods--and it's not pretty.

Brooklyn’s obsessive coffee culture has spawned "babyccinos" -- otherwise known as mini decaf cappuccinos or frothy cups of steamed milk, foam and cinnamon for the little ones, the Brooklyn Paper reports.  At $2 a pop,  the coolest coffee joints are whipping this off-the-menu item to the coos of tots and proud parents alike.

“Our children love babyccinos!” said Eric Worcester told the Brooklyn Paper.

Katherine Haver, a freelancer who works out of coffee shops, sometimes with her nearly two-year-old son said her child has been going to cafes since he was a newborn. "'Coffee shop’ was one of his first words,” she said.

It's nice to keep your kid preoccupied, and all, but one has to wonder about the health benefits of giving tots hot, steaming milk and espresso --alebiet decaf.

The Brooklyn Paper says the trend started in Australia about a decade ago with milk-only babyccinos and can now be found in all parts of Brooklyn.  Whether it's spread out of New York is unclear. A quick call to a few of Washington D.C. hipper coffee shops like Tryst Coffeehouse got a surprised reaction when we mentioned the drink.

The Brooklyn paper reports that there are plans in Australia to sell the world’s first instant babyccino. And like most cutesy baby trends, it is just a matter of time before babyccinos will appear on menus across the country.

So next time you're in a coffee shop and toddler next to you is screaming, now you know why.