April 2: Buffalo Bills Stevie Johnson speaks at the start of the team's voluntary offseason conditioning program in Orchard Park, N.Y. (AP)
An NFL player sparked outrage on Wednesday night after posting a comment on social media directed at the New England Patriots, MyFoxBoston.com reported.
"War is nothing to be played with. I apologize North Korea………but if y'all do bomb 1st….Bomb Foxboro, Mass," the message from Buffalo Bills wide receiver Stevie Johnson's Twitter account said. Johnson's Tweet received nearly 2,000 re-tweets and more than 700 favorites within an hour of it being posted.
Johnson's comment comes at a time when tensions between North Korea and the U.S. are increasing.
The 26-year-old implied he was joking in his responses to Twitter users shortly after the tweet was posted.
"You guys bring it every year," he tweeted to one Patriots fan. "But the change is here boss. Going to be an exciting matchup. #BillsPats"
Johnson tweeted just after 8 p.m., saying he has respect for the Pats and every other NFL team. He posted another tweet saying "the Boro" is his favorite place to play because of the Patriots fans.