Mark Levin: Stop apologizing for Iran
'Unfreedom of the Press' author Mark Levin weighs in on rising tension with Iran and the latest drone attack.
"Life, Liberty & Levin" host Mark Levin appeared on "Hannity" Thursday where he blasted Iran apologists in the media and defended National Security Advisor John Bolton.
"Stop apologizing for Iran. What I hear tonight and what I'm hearing throughout the day is a bunch of people who are embracing Jimmy Carter's foreign policy of appeasement, of distraction of excuses, of spin. You can embrace Jimmy Carter's foreign policy, a wild failure or you can embrace Ronald Reagan's foreign policy, a wild success," Levin told host Sean Hannity.
Iran blasted a Navy high-altitude drone out of the sky over the Strait of Hormuz, with U.S. Central Command leaders on Thursday slamming the "unprovoked" strike and Tehran's subsequent "false" justifications for it.
Bolton has faced criticism and accusations of "war mongering," with some believing he wants a conflict with Iran.
Levin defended Bolted calling the accusations a "disgrace."
"John Bolton hasn't done anything, he is a national security advisor and advises the president of the United States. I'm sure China and Russia and North Korea and Iran love it when they hear hosts and others trashing John Bolton," Levin said.
"Part of a massive propaganda efforts. The president of the United States is a strong leader, he will listen to advice from many people, he will make the decision. These attacks on Bolton, including leaks coming out of the White House are a disgrace, absolute disgrace."
The radio host also went after those blaming President Trump for "provoking" Iran saying there is much "evil" in the world and the United States isn't part of it.
"We're not the problem, we're not the ones who instigate wars and I'm sick and tired of hearing people on cable TV and other words suggest the president of the United States is provoking anything. We're not provoking a damn thing. In fact we never provoke anything."