Watters: Joe Biden is 'compromised'
'Jesse Watters Primetime' host lays out the Bidens' alleged business dealings with China.
Fox News host Jesse Watters shared details of the Biden family's business dealings and alleged ties to China on Thursday's "Jesse Watters Primetime."
JESSE WATTERS: The Biden family business in China began seriously in 2013, when Vice President Biden boarded Air Force Two destined for Beijing. So what was Hunter Biden doing on Air Force Two on an official overseas trip with the vice president? Hunter wasn't there on pleasure, although I'm sure there was plenty of that for Hunter in China. Hunter was on a business trip, and Joe would be the one to open some doors. Hunter would arrange an introduction between his Chinese partner Jonathan Li and his dad, the vice president. The two shook hands, and Li later described it as a good social meeting, and it turned out to be a big break for the Bidens. Ten days after the big guy met Hunter's associate, Hunter was offered a fortune. Perfect timing. A 10 percent stake in a new Chinese company called Bohai Harvest, and the Chinese threw Hunter a board seat, which obviously Hunter deserved with all of his business experience. Peter Schweitzer reports the Chinese paid the vice president's son $20 million. Had Hunter earned that? Nobody knows. But we know, don't we?

Joe and Hunter Biden. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak, File) (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak, File)
This wasn't enough for the Biden family, though. They wanted more. The Bidens have to pay the bills, including Joe's. So Hunter started turning down his Secret Service detail when he traveled overseas. They did some privacy and China started slipping him even more money.
That's when he was introduced to a Chinese energy conglomerate called CEFC in 2015, a company that serves as the arm to the Communist Party's Belt and Road Initiative. This initiative is a threat to American security and prosperity, and the Biden family was their lobbyist. Hunter brought Joe's brother Jim along, and the two of them started dicing up deals with the enemy. It was a pretty lucrative business for the Bidens. Hunter and Jim raked in almost $4 million in just consulting fees. What were they doing consulting a Chinese energy company controlled by the Chinese military? They were probably just greedy stooges for the communists.