
"Titanic" actor Leonardo DiCaprio was a passenger aboard the Delta flight bound for Moscow that was forced to return to New York's JFK airport after engine failure, Us Weekly reported Monday.

DiCaprio "wishes to commend the actions of the pilot and flight crew in bringing the plane to a safe landing," his rep said in a statement.

Delta Flight 30 -- carrying 193 passengers and 11 crew -- lost one of its engines just after its 4:25pm takeoff from JFK Sunday, forcing the Boeing 767 to circle the NYC airport for 90 minutes to burn and dump enough fuel to land.

Just before 6:00pm the plane landed safely. There were no injuries reported, Port Authority officials said.

The 36-year-old Hollywood star was on his way to St. Petersburg, Russia to participate in the Tiger Summit -- a meeting to advocate for the protection of nearly extinct tigers, headed by current Prime Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin.

Another Delta flight was plagued with technical problems Sunday.

In Atlanta, LA-bound Delta Flight 125 -- a Boeing 767 -- declared an emergency with an engine failure and returned to Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, the FAA said.

A Delta spokesman said the problem was with the air ducts to one engine.

The plane scraped its tail on the runway as it landed at 6:40pm local time Sunday, but it was able to taxi to the gate without assistance.