Fox News Voter Analysis

How to read these tables: The percentages to the right of each answer show the proportion of the electorate in that subgroup. When an answer is expanded by clicking on the +, the candidates' support among that subgroup is revealed. The percentages to the right of each listed candidate show how the particular subgroup of voters divided its vote.

Age, 4 categories

Sample: 115,002 Respondents

Age, 2 categories

Sample: 115,002 Respondents

Age, granular

Sample: 115,002 Respondents


Sample: 114,998 Respondents

Race/Ethnicity, 2 categories

Sample: 114,998 Respondents

Education, 4 categories

Sample: 115,268 Respondents

Education, 2 categories

Sample: 115,268 Respondents


Sample: 113,873 Respondents

Income, 3 categories

Sample: 113,873 Respondents

Income, 2 categories

Sample: 113,873 Respondents

Party ID with leaners

Sample: 115,300 Respondents

Ideology - 3 categories

Sample: 114,918 Respondents

Party with leaners, ideology

Sample: 115,030 Respondents

Community type

Sample: 114,980 Respondents

Community type

Sample: 114,980 Respondents

Education 2 categories, sizeplace 3 categories

Sample: 114,953 Respondents


Sample: 114,750 Respondents

Religion, 4 categories

Sample: 114,750 Respondents

White, religion

Sample: 114,511 Respondents

White evangelical

Sample: 36,219 Respondents

Church attendance

Sample: 33,101 Respondents

Church attendance, 2 categories

Sample: 33,101 Respondents

Gun owner, full distribution

Sample: 33,758 Respondents

Gun household

Sample: 33,758 Respondents

Veteran, full distribution

Sample: 41,138 Respondents

Veteran household

Sample: 41,138 Respondents

Union member, full distribution

Sample: 56,121 Respondents

Union household

Sample: 56,121 Respondents


Sample: 33,272 Respondents

Direction of the country

Sample: 114,248 Respondents

Life for the next generation of Americans will be

Sample: 32,819 Respondents

Feelings toward federal government

Sample: 32,981 Respondents

Feelings toward federal government, 2 categories

Sample: 32,981 Respondents

Views of government's role

Sample: 32,575 Respondents

Trump job approval

Sample: 115,003 Respondents

Was Trump a reason for vote, 2 categories

Sample: 114,687 Respondents

Congress job approval

Sample: 32,822 Respondents

Trump administration ethics compared with previous administrations

Sample: 33,013 Respondents

Condition of national economy

Sample: 33,065 Respondents

Condition of national economy, 2 categories

Sample: 33,065 Respondents

Family's financial situation

Sample: 115,007 Respondents

Concern over affordable housing availability in state

Sample: 8,773 Respondents

Concern over affordable housing availability in state, 2 categories

Sample: 8,773 Respondents

Assessment of corruption in state government

Sample: 2,176 Respondents

Views on abortion

Sample: 32,871 Respondents

Views on abortion, 2 categories

Sample: 32,871 Respondents

Views of immigrants in the U.S.

Sample: 33,521 Respondents

Support for raising taxes to increase funding for public schools in state

Sample: 23,366 Respondents

Support for raising taxes to increase funding for public schools in state, 2 categories

Sample: 23,366 Respondents

Views of gun laws

Sample: 33,963 Respondents

Government responsibility to provide healthcare

Sample: 33,517 Respondents

Views of energy policy in state

Sample: 18,233 Respondents

Should use of marijuana be legal nationwide

Sample: 33,518 Respondents

Trump administration impact on U.S. safety - terrorism

Sample: 33,006 Respondents

Trump administration impact on U.S. safety - crime

Sample: 32,955 Respondents

Trump administration impact on U.S. safety - cyberattacks

Sample: 32,727 Respondents

Opinion of Donald Trump

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 32,562 Respondents

Opinion of Donald Trump, 2 categories

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 32,562 Respondents

Opinion of the Democratic Party

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 32,091 Respondents

Opinion of the Democratic Party, 2 categories

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 32,091 Respondents

Opinion of the Republican Party

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 32,076 Respondents

Opinion of the Republican Party, 2 categories

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 32,076 Respondents

Combined Rep Party and Trump favorability

Sample: 31,794 Respondents

Combined party favorability

Sample: 31,691 Respondents

Opinion of Cotton

Somewhat unfavorable
96 14%
Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 673 Respondents

Opinion of Cotton, 2 categories

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 673 Respondents

Opinion of Boozman

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 602 Respondents

Opinion of Boozman, 2 categories

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 602 Respondents

Opinion of Jones

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 651 Respondents

Opinion of Jones, 2 categories

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 651 Respondents

Opinion of Palin

Very favorable
41 13%
Somewhat favorable
67 23%
Somewhat unfavorable
50 14%
Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 341 Respondents

Opinion of Palin, 2 categories

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 341 Respondents

Opinion of Pence

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 3,697 Respondents

Opinion of Pence, 2 categories

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 3,697 Respondents

Opinion of Taylor Swift

Sample: 3,112 Respondents

Opinion of Taylor Swift, 2 categories

Sample: 3,112 Respondents

Preference for Romney if he's elected

Sample: 816 Respondents

Advance vote

Sample: 108,859 Respondents

Biggest thing that might prevent from voting

Sample: 0 Respondents

Senate vote

0 0%
Sample: 90,030 Respondents

Senate special vote

Independent candidate for Senate special
0 0%
0 0%
Sample: 7,109 Respondents

Governor vote

0 0%
Sample: 78,246 Respondents

Interview date

Sample: 115,018 Respondents

AP Party Region

Sample: 115,301 Respondents

AP Region

Sample: 115,301 Respondents


Sample: 114,998 Respondents

Straight Party ID (no leaners)

Sample: 115,253 Respondents

Age 2 categories, race 2 categories

Sample: 114,756 Respondents

Age 2 categories, race 4 categories

Sample: 114,756 Respondents

Age 4 categories, race 2 categories

Sample: 114,756 Respondents

Age 4 categories, race 4 categories

Sample: 114,756 Respondents

Oil wealth fund dividend check in Alaska

Sample: 361 Respondents

Confidence that those who are eligible to vote in GA will be allowed to vote in the election

Sample: 3,927 Respondents

Confidence that those who are eligible to vote in GA will be allowed to vote in the election, 2 categories

Sample: 3,927 Respondents

Would Biden make a good president, or not?

Sample: 765 Respondents

Born a citizen, or not

Sample: 33,126 Respondents

Do you think the way Democrats talk about politics these days is leading to an increase in acts of violence, or don't you think so?

Sample: 113,849 Respondents

Combined: Do you think the way Democrats/Republicans talk about politics these days is leading to an increase in acts of violence, or don't you think so?

Sample: 113,080 Respondents

Do you think the way Republican talk about politics these days is leading to an increase in acts of violence, or don't you think so?

Sample: 114,024 Respondents

Which best describes when you decided how you would vote?

Sample: 114,967 Respondents

Approval of legal casino gambling in state

Sample: 791 Respondents

Approval of legal casino gambling in state, 2 categories

Sample: 791 Respondents

Concern over effects of climate change

Sample: 33,567 Respondents

Concern over effects of climate change, 2 categories

Sample: 33,567 Respondents

Work in coal industry, full distribution

Coal industry worker, self
78 4%
Sample: 2,575 Respondents

Work in coal industry, 2 categories

Sample: 2,575 Respondents

Approval of Collins' handling of Kavanaugh's confirmation

Sample: 770 Respondents

Approval of Collins' handling of Kavanaugh's confirmation, 2 categories

Sample: 770 Respondents

Assessment of legalization of marijuana for Colorado

Sample: 845 Respondents

Reaction to confederate flag

Sample: 3,754 Respondents

Congress job approval with strength

Sample: 32,822 Respondents

Ted Cruz focused more on

Sample: 3,682 Respondents

Cuban Heritage

Sample: 4,009 Respondents

Views of death penalty in state

Sample: 1,550 Respondents

Views of death penalty in state, 2 categories

Sample: 1,550 Respondents

Intentions of Democrats

Sample: 32,621 Respondents

Intentions of Democrats - Republican/Lean Rep views

Sample: 32,981 Respondents

Assessment of ease/difficulty of the process of voting for you in the election

Very difficult
68 2%
Sample: 3,915 Respondents

Assessment of ease/difficulty of the process of voting for you in the election, 2 categories

Sample: 3,915 Respondents

How the economic system treats the middle class

Sample: 32,949 Respondents

How the economic system treats the poor

Sample: 32,908 Respondents

How the economic system treats the wealthy

Sample: 32,948 Respondents

Education 2 categories, race 2 categories

Sample: 114,967 Respondents

Education 2 categories, race 4 categories

Sample: 114,967 Respondents

Education 2 categories, sizeplace 3 categories

Sample: 114,805 Respondents

Confidence in Hawaii's emergency response systems

Not at all confident
51 8%
Sample: 744 Respondents

Confidence in Hawaii's emergency response systems, 2 categories

Sample: 744 Respondents

Views of protections for animals and plants under the Endangered Species Act

Sample: 3,311 Respondents

Opinion of DeLeon (Democrat, CA)

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 2,589 Respondents

Opinion of DeLeon (Democrat, CA), 2 categories

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 2,589 Respondents

Opinion of Emanuel

Very favorable
82 13%
Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 668 Respondents

Opinion of Emanuel, 2 categories

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 668 Respondents

Opinion of Espy (Democrat, MS Special)

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 2,294 Respondents

Opinion of Espy (Democrat, MS Special), 2 categories

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 2,294 Respondents

Opinion of Feinstein (Democrat, CA)

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 3,453 Respondents

Opinion of Feinstein (Democrat, CA), 2 categories

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 3,453 Respondents

Opinion of Flake

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 3,598 Respondents

Opinion of Flake, 2 categories

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 3,598 Respondents

Opinion of Franken

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 3,824 Respondents

Opinion of Franken, 2 categories

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 3,824 Respondents

Opinion of Democratic candidate for governor

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 67,867 Respondents

Opinion of Democratic candidate for governor, 2 categories

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 67,867 Respondents

Opinion of Independent candidate for governor

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 1,037 Respondents

Opinion of Independent candidate for governor, 2 categories

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 1,037 Respondents

Opinion of Republican candidate for governor

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 69,828 Respondents

Opinion of Republican candidate for governor, 2 categories

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 69,828 Respondents

Opinion of Hyde-Smith (Republican, MS Special)

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 2,411 Respondents

Opinion of Hyde-Smith (Republican, MS Special), 2 categories

Don't know enough to say
0 0%
Sample: 2,411 Respondents

Opinion of Inslee