
A University of Michigan fraternity has been removed from the school and student-run Interfraternity Council for at least five years following allegations of violent hazing and forced alcohol consumption.

The Ann Arbor News reports Thursday that evidence of hazing was found during Alpha Sigma Phi's new member process.

Last year, the council suspended social events following allegations of hazing and sexual misconduct involving fraternity members at the Ann Arbor school. Some social activities have since resumed.

The university declined to answer questions beyond the Interfraternity Council statement announcing the action. The chief executive at the Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity headquarters in Carmel, Indiana, was unavailable for comment.

Zeta Beta Tau International Fraternity announced in January that it had revoked its University of Michigan chapter's charter after determining policies prohibiting hazing were violated.


Information from: The Ann Arbor News, http://www.mlive.com/ann-arbor