Coming up on Wednesday, July 26 edition of 'Special Report'
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The Senate has blocked a wide-ranging proposal by Republicans to repeal much of former President Barack Obama’s health care law and replace it with a more restrictive plan.
Senators voted 57-43 late Tuesday to reject the plan in the first vote on an amendment to the bill. Those voting “no” included nine defecting Republicans.
First, a British judge told a dying baby’s parents they could not take their child to the U.S. for experimental treatment. On Wednesday a judge may tell them the infant cannot die at the family’s home in London, but in a hospice instead.
At a hearing in London, a British high court judge is scheduled to decide where the life of 11-month-old Charlie Gard will end.
A leading North Korea expert said the country is a year and a half away from creating a nuclear missile capable of reaching the United States.
Some time in the next year, North Korea expert Gordon Chang told Fox News, “they will have a nuclear missile capable of hitting the United States and we will have to make a decision about how we deter North Korea.”
COMING UP ON FOX BUSINESS: Ronna Romney McDaniel, Republican National Committee chairwoman, will be on 'Mornings with Maria' at 8 AM ET
The IRS said Tuesday it has reached an agreement on guidelines for how to determine whether the Texas Patriots Tea Party should be granted nonprofit status, The Washington Times reported.
The agreement -- roughly eight years in the making -- does not guarantee the conservative group’s nonprofit application will be approved or declined.