(Screenshot from Twitter)
Disability advocate Natalie Weaver has slammed Twitter for not promptly clamping down on an account that used an image of her severely disabled child in a pro-abortion tweet.
”Just received an email that Twitter doesn't think a person using my child's image as the poster child to ABORT & to weed out all the "defectives" in utero is a violation. Why? Bc they won't recognize hate toward ppl w/ disabilities in their regulations/reports,” Weaver tweeted on Monday. The account was later suspended by Twitter.
Weaver had reported a tweet by the @OBSIDIANSMOAK account that used an image of her 9-year-old daughter Sophia. “It is okay to think that every child matters however a lot of them do not hence the amnio test which should be a mandatory test and if it proves negative and the woman does not want to abort then all bills accrued after that is on her and the father,” said a post accompanying the tweet.
Twitter told Fox News on Monday evening that it suspended the account. "When we make a mistake, we work to ensure it’s quickly corrected," a Twitter spokeswoman explained in a statement emailed to Fox News. "Our team reviewed the report again and suspended the account in accordance with the Twitter Rules."
Sophia suffers from Rett syndrome, a rare neurological disorder that affects a child’s ability to eat, speak, walk and breathe. She was also born with an unknown syndrome that has caused facial deformities.
Weaver, who is the co-founder of Advocates for Medically Fragile Kids NC, is urging Twitter to tighten its rules regarding hate speech against people with disabilities. “I would like twitter to also add 'hate towards people with disabilities' to their violation reporting categories,” she said.
The circulation of Sophia’s image in a pro-abortion tweet has sparked anger from a host of users on Twitter.
As a result of her disabilities, Sophia requires extensive care. “She’s an amazing little girl,” Weaver told Fox News.
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