
When Hillary Clinton was feeling down staffers tried to buck up her spirits with children’s poems and fawning tweets, according to recently unearthed emails.

Clinton’s State Department staffers and supporters were apparently concerned for their boss’ mental well being following her lengthy congressional testimony regarding the Benghazi terrorist attacks in January 2013.

Minyon Moore, a top adviser in her failed 2008 presidential run and current 2016 campaign, compiled a list of tweets and positive news articles and emailed it to Clinton Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills under the subject line “She’ll need these when she comes out of there … she did great under the circumstances.”

The email featured links to a BuzzFeed listicle of various pictures of Clinton with quips about her gesticulations, an Associated Press article praising her “feisty” demeanor, a Huffington Post caption contest declaring that “Hillary Clinton not impressed with the questions during #Benghazi hearing,” and a Time write-up titled “Clinton on Benghazi: Tears and Anger.” Moore also highlighted 33 tweets from news organizations and fans such as @Lee78043.

“Rep Duncan isn’t fit to speak #HillaryClinton’s name. Another USELESS #GOP blowhard,” Mr. 78043 tweeted. The account has since been deleted.

@Doodledevotee, a self-described “fan of dogs and underdogs, fairness and justice, progressive causes and Middle class values” with 40 followers and an egg profile picture, also caught Moore’s eye.

“How does it help the unpopular Congressional #GOP to attack the popular #HillaryClinton in these Benghazi hearings,” Devotee said.

Click for more from The Washington Free Beacon.