
"Chupe de Camarones" is a tasty shrimp-based chowder that is typical in several South American countries, particularly in southern Peru.

Its preparation requires a bunch of ingredients that may need a little digging in your local supermarket — make sure you head to the right aisle.

Ingredients for the soup:

2qt Shrimp stock
1qt Shrimp shells
80g Sliced garlic
100g Caramelized onion
100g Aji mirasol puree
100g Aji panca puree
100g Sofrito amarillo
100g Russet Potato
60g White wine (optional)
20g Salt
90g Huacatay
100g Fresh shrimp
100g Cream


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In a rondeau add oil and caramelize shrimp shells. Remove the shells and add the brown garlic in the same rondeau. Once the garlic is brown, add all the purees, onion, potato and fresh shrimp. Cook this down for a few minutes and then deglaze with shrimp stock. At this point reintroduce the caramelized shrimp shells. Simmer for about 20 minutes. Add the cream and huacatay at the end. Next, puree everything in blender and pass everything through a chinois squeezing out as much flavor from the shells as possible. Cool down and reserve for service.

Ingredients for the cod:

550g Cod (cut in to 4-5 110g)
15 pc Shrimp
50g Fava beans (cleaned)
50g Choclo (if you can not find it use corn)
100g Peewee potatoes
50g Fresh cheese
5pc Eggs (poached to desire consistency)
Extra virgin olive oil to taste


Heat the soup in a small pot put the potatoes inside and cook gently, when cooked add the shrimp, the fava beans, choclo and cook for about 2 more minutes.

In a separate preheated grill pan, sear the seasoned cod for about 3 min or until the fish is nicely marked. Put on a small tray and finish in a preheated oven at 400F.


Serve the hot soup making sure everyone gets some of everything. Serve the cod on top with the egg and garnish with the fresh cheese and the olive oil.

Serves 4 to 5 people.

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