
With fall right around the corner, many of you are taking the time to set some new workout goals. And it’s a great time to do so with all the summer camping trips and holidays out of the way, you're finally able to get back to it and focus on fitness.

However, this doesn't mean you have to forgo outdoor workouts. Usually, during the summer, most people do become more active outdoors and you should continue this trend into the fall.
There are plenty of fall workouts that will get your heart rate up, help you get a set if ripped abs and push your muscles to the limit so that you develop your most muscular body yet.

Let's take a quick look at some of the top fall workouts, which include team and individual activities, that you should consider. Even if you just manage to get out once a week to do any of these, it's still well worth your time and effort.

10. Rowing or Dragon Boating
For a completely different fall sport, try dragon boating. This may seem like a relatively leisurely activity when you first look at it, but once you get on the water, it's anything but. You'll not only call upon your cardiovascular system to power you through the water, but you'll also work all the main muscles in the back and chest.

Even your abs will get hit as they constantly maintain contraction so that you can stay in that upright and steady position.

9. Cross-Country Running
If you're someone who is into solo activities, now is a great time to get into cross country running. In the summer heat, often the last thing you will feel like doing is going outside for a long run, but now that the temperature is dropping and you'll have a nice cool breeze upon you, you'll find it far more appealing.

Cross country running is an excellent activity for helping to build your muscular endurance, which will transfer nicely to your winter sport activities, such as indoor soccer or hockey.

8. Rugby
For those that like things a little more intense, now is the season for rugby. This sport will definitely get your adrenaline flowing.

Since it is such a fast-paced type of activity, you're really going to burn up calories at an accelerated rate and you'll notice great strength improvements in the legs because of it.

Rugby requires a considerable amount of upper body strength as well, so as you get more involved with it you'll likely notice strength gains in these muscles too.

7. Hiking
For those who aren't all that into running, hiking is the next activity that you should consider. Hiking is ideal for those who are more focused on power and strength over high levels of pure endurance because the activity really builds strength in the glutes, hamstrings and quads.

Another great thing about hiking is that it rates very high on the list of calorie-burning activities, but does not put nearly as much stress on the joints as running does.

6. Raking
While not exactly a classic workout per say, if you do want one activity that's going to get you in shape this fall, start raking the leaves up off your grass. If you spend a good hour outside raking, you'll burn somewhere between 350 and 400 calories, which makes it just as calorie intensive as going for a brisk walk or performing a standard weight lifting workout.

If you want a creative way to up the intensity of this workout to really challenge the body, consider either using a heavier rake or find some type of weight that you can strap on to the lower pole of the rake to add extra resistance.

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5. Ultimate Frisbee
One fall activity that's catching on in popularity is ultimate Frisbee. This activity is great for building endurance due to the fact that you'll constantly be running after the Frisbee throughout your game.

Additionally, with the constant stopping, starting and changing directions, agility and balance will also be enhanced.

4. Basketball
For those who like the team-sports atmosphere, basketball can't be beat. Not only are you going to give your lower body a workout from constantly running across the court, but your upper body will get worked as well.

If you are looking to improve your hand-eye coordination, this is one of the better activities to turn to.

3. Chopping Wood
To really dial in and build intense upper body strength, consider chopping some wood for burning in the winter. This full-body motion is really going to burn up a number of calories while stimulating almost every muscle in the upper body. You'll hit the shoulders, the chest, the lats, the back, the biceps, and the triceps all in one fluid motion.

Since there is quite a bit of force behind you when doing this activity you're also really going to notice it's great for boosting power.

2. Mountain Biking
If you're someone who likes to really get out into nature and enjoy the scenery, mountain biking is going to be an excellent selection. Unlike hiking or distance running, this activity puts less stress on the joints and will still be working to build up your endurance level and torch calories quickly.

Mountain biking is for working the quads and the glutes as you cycle your way up hilly areas and then maintain control over the bike as you go down them.

1. Flag Football
With football season upon us, many guys are getting into the spirit and the desire to get out on the field to play a little themselves definitely getting intense. Flag football is an excellent way to boost your level of power since you're constantly starting and stopping as you work your way around the field.

Since football also demands that you weave your way in and around players, that too will work the agility component of your fitness level, helping you improve performance in any other sports you happen to play.

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