
Real Housewives of Dallas stars Brandi Redmond and Stephanie Hollman are standing behind fellow cast mate Tiffany Hendra after finding out she was in topless sex scenes in a racy film.

“She says it’s not porn, I’ve not seen it,” Hollman told FOX411 in our New York Studio. “I don’t want to see it because then I’d look at her differently, I’d be like oh, I’m picturing you naked right now.”

“I actually had it sent to me on my phone and I was like Oh! Oh my gosh!” Redmond said. “ I did see a little clip of it. It’s humorous, and believe me, I did not continue to watch it. But it is humorous and I can see why she’s getting a lot of negativity about it.”

“We didn’t know about her past when we were filming but she’s such a wonderful person, she has a good spirit. We do love her,” Redmond added.

Hendra appeared topless several times in a Cinemax series, but says it wasn’t even close to porn, telling US Weekly: “My nudity rider said that they couldn’t show below my belly button or below the top of my butt,” adding, “No one is calling ‘Game of Thrones’ stars porn artists!”

Redmond and Hollman claimed they had no skeletons in their walk-in closets to hide – sort of.

“I’m sure people could find some drunk college pics. But I’ve not done anything illegal. I’ve never been in a porn movie, I don’t think,” Hollman said. “Unless a boyfriend has a secret tape, then I hope I was skinny that day!”

“If something comes out that I’m unaware of, things that are made up and false, I’m strong enough and thick-skinned enough to just avoid it and move on,” Redmond said.

Whatever happens, the best friends say they’ll stick together through thick and thin.

“I think our relationship is better than most marriages,” Hollman said. “We really love each other and we don’t fight ever. We complain about our husbands.”