
Denver Broncos director of player personnel Matt Russell, who was arrested last July after hitting two cars in Summit County, Colorado, has been sentenced to seven months in jail for his transgressions.

KCNC-TV in Denver reported on Friday that Russell will also receive two years' worth of probation and be eligible for work release from his cell in Arapahoe County, which is close to the Broncos' practice facility in Englewood. The Denver Post added that Russell must undergo substance abuse testing, therapy, pay fines and victim restitution.

"We are pleased with the commitment Matt Russell has shown to making positive changes in his life since this incident occurred nearly a year ago," the Broncos said in a team release. "In addition to his successful completion of a month-long inpatient treatment program last summer, he has taken full advantage of outpatient counseling resources and passed every substance abuse test administered as part of his reinstatement to this organization."

According to a Denver Post report released days after the incidents in question, Russell first ran into a car in Frisco and then rear-ended a police SUV in Breckenridge.

The officer in the Breckenridge Police Department SUV was injured in the crash, taken to a local hospital, treated and released, the paper revealed. Russell, 40, was arrested and booked into Summit County Jail and convicted of driving under the influence after registering .246 on a Breathalyzer, well over three times the state limit.

Russell was later suspended indefinitely by the Broncos, pending treatment and rehabilitation. He returned to the club in mid-September.