In his weekly presidential report card, pollster John Zogby finds that President Obama has now strung together two good weeks, which is saying something.
"This is a short week because of Independence Day and it is a pretty good one for the president. A deadline for the Iran deal passed and has been postponed until July 7, suggesting we may still see a deal and also hinting that it will not be a sell out. It was the Iran foreign minister who walked out and went home to consult.
"The unemployment rate dropped to 5.3 percent with 223,000 new jobs created in a wide variety of sectors and wage levels. Still some weakness in wage growth and too many people leaving the workforce, but still another week of good job growth.
"And the E.U. is supposed to fall apart over Greece but it didn't happen this week. All in all, the president's polling numbers are up a tad and he is sounding more confident and liberated."