They say couples begin to look a like after a while.
For Shakira, that axiom may be true for speech too.
The Colombian singer, who's been dating Gerard Piqué for the last year, was heard speaking with quite the Spanish accent in a clip from the upcoming exclusive with Maria Elena Salinas from Univision.
Shakira talks about not “escaping the responsibility” and “the opportunity of talking about those important issues” such as child poverty and the lack of fair education for children in Latin America.
Using the Z’s heavily, Shakira, sounding like Penélope Cruz, describes meeting with political leaders face to face and discussing issues.
Earlier this year, Shakira moved to Spain, allegedly to set up her European operations.
In Spain, Shakira is said to be living in a luxury villa - a former convent for cloistered nuns - where she stayed when filming her Barcelona-based “Loca” video with Dizzee Rasca.
She's taken out an indefinite lease on the villa owned by Spanish former long distance swimming champion David Meca, according to The site claims the former convent in the Bellaterra area on the city outskirts is being used as a love nest for Piqué and the diva.
Shakira, who has Catalan roots, has spoken more than once of her "love" for Spain and Catalonia.
The South American beauty met Piqué last spring while shooting the “Waka-waka, This time for Africa” video - the official track of the 2010 World Cup.
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