
We’ve covered the best time for getting a great deal on airfare, but when should you be booking your accommodations?

Agoda.com, an Asian-based hotel booking site, analyzed data from hundreds of thousands of guests who used the site throughout 2013 to book rooms. It turns out hotel rates have their own sweet spot for getting the best deal, but it varies by destination. And while prices are less variable than flights, hotels also tend to ramp up rates closer to the desired start of your trip.

Holiday season also sees a pretty dramatic increase in room rates—no news here—but Agoda.com found that great bargains around the world were usually found just after New Years, in the first two weeks of January. In the last week of December, one of the year’s biggest travel times, cheaper rooms can also be found in Oslo or Stockholm.

Traveling to New York or Rome? Try going during the first week of January and you could save as much as 40 percent, according to the survey. Hotels in Istanbul are about 25 percent cheaper from December through March, with the exception of May which could cost you up to 50 percent more.

And if you’re looking for a summer travel bargain, consider booking a hotel in Dubai, Milan or Vienna during June or July.

Check out Agoda’s handy booking map here for the information of the best time to visit your favorite global destination.