
Charles Krauthammer accused the IRS Friday of “withholding information, clearly” in Congress’ investigation into the alleged targeting of conservative groups by the agency.

“There is a true scandal underneath here because of the way in which they are concealing and delaying and stonewalling,” Krauthammer, a syndicated columnist and Fox News contributor, said on “Special Report with Bret Baier.”

“If there were nothing, if this were really what the president said, a rogue operation in Cincinnati and not a smidgen of corruption, they would have opened everything,” Krauthammer added.  “They would have told everything even if there was a destroyed hard drive.”

Krauthammer’s comments came after a contentious House Ways and Means Committee hearing Friday in which Republicans lashed out at IRS Commissioner John Koskinen for refusing to apologize over the agency’s failure to inform the committee it knew four months ago that some of ex-IRS official Lois Lerner’s emails had been lost.

He said it was this “arrogance” that was making Republicans and others upset with the agency.

“I mean he [Koskinen] may not want to apologize,” Krauthammer said. “But he can at least say we understand what the issue is here and how this might look.”