Track your pet remotely

Q: I am so afraid my dog is going to get lost and not find his way back home. Are there any GPS trackers for pets?

A: Losing a pet, even for a few minutes, can be a nerve-racking experience. If you live in a close-knit neighborhood, it's likely someone will find your dog and use its license to track you down. But what if you're at work? Or you have recently moved and haven’t met your neighbors? You’ll be relieved to know there are dozens of different devices that can keep track of your dog or cat, using either radio waves or GPS. Each system has its drawbacks and benefits, but all of them work pretty darn well. Click here for the best pet trackers and GPS collars.

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Road trip distractions

Q: This summer, I am forcing the kids to take a road trip with their mom and me. What apps would you recommend I put on my phone?

A: I know some of my fans think I spend all my time in the studio, but the truth is that I love to travel, and I know how enriching this can be for children, whether they want to drive across the country or not. That said, there are lots of new apps to help the kids appreciate their time on the road. There are games you can play, crowd-sourced navigation tools and even cultural guides to your next freeway exit. Click here for five helpful apps for your next road adventure.

Keeping a (hidden) eye on the homefront

Q: I have to leave the kids with a sitter this summer. I don’t want her to know I have a camera set up in the kitchen. Are there any spy cams that would go undetected?

A: Well, my first instinct is to suggest finding a babysitter you implicitly trust. After all, this person is going to take care of your kids, and he or she should be properly vetted. If you’re worried about your kids’ behavior, obviously it’s best to have a sit-down with them beforehand. But the technology does exist to monitor your household while you're away, and for more reasons than keeping your babysitter in check. It can also function as a surveillance camera to protect you against theft. And many of these cameras are very hard to detect. Click here for the best nanny cams for watching your kids.

Online savings at Target

Q: I really liked your tips on how to save money on Amazon. Do you have any pointers for those of us who shop at Target?

A: While Amazon and Walmart have almost anything you need on their websites, I completely understand your affection for Target. This retail chain has a certain cachet that many shoppers are drawn to, and their stock is expansive enough to score a bull’s-eye most of the time. Virtual shopping has become something of an art, and the biggest chains make bargain-hunting a lot of fun, but Target has its fair share of tips and tricks for saving online. Click here for three money-saving secrets at Target.

Scary Wi-Fi images of your house

Q: On your radio show, you said there is a way that someone can take a picture of you inside your home. It was done using the home’s Wi-Fi. Can you tell me more?

A: Pretty amazing, isn't it? I should add that this is cutting-edge research, not to mention a very recent discovery, which means that most of us will not be able to see a Wi-Fi-based image of our house for a while. This is probably a good thing, too, because it's hard to tell whether it will be more useful for first responders searching for people in trouble or for burglars casing a suburban home. But the picture and its corresponding video are pretty impressive. Click here to find out how Wi-Fi can be used to photograph a home.

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