
"The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" is an iconic show with one of the most recognizable (and poorly karaoke-ed) theme songs.It's often spoofed, though usually, those spoofs come off trite and played out.

The Philadelphia Union nailed their rendition, though. The MLS club wisely stuck to the basics, not changing the lyrics or dubbing over Will Smith's original track.

When I first saw the video was titled "The Fresh Prince of Chest-Air" I feared the worst. Were they going to go through the whole video and scrap the rhymes? Who would spit these sure-to-be spurious bars?

Fortunately, those fears were assuaged quickly. Rather than sully the "Fresh Prince" legacy, they just did a shot-for-shot remake with tweaks to make the background video soccer specific. It's fantastic.

Winless on the season, the Union might not have the best on-field product, but at least they're entertaining off of it. That's gotta be worth something, right?


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Frank Gunn