If President Trump decides to close the U.S.-Mexico border as he has threatened to do, there may be some unintended consequences, Fox News politics editor Chris Stirewalt warned Monday.
As more migrants reach the border from parts of Mexico and Central America, the Trump administration is considering closing the border until the immigration crisis is resolved.
During Monday's All-Star panel segment on Fox News' "Special Report with Bret Baier," Stirewalt -- along with Federalist senior editor Mollie Hemingway and Georgetown Institute of Politics executive director Mo Elleithee -- weighed in on the potential fallout of Trump’s latest immigration moves.
Stirewalt began by calling Trump’s threat to close the border a “big matzo ball to put out there” because of the billions of dollars of ‘economic consequences’ that are at stake.
“There is a crisis. And now everyone agrees that there’s a crisis,” Stirewalt told the panel. “Republicans and Democrats are now at a point -- whether you want to call it a ‘humanitarian crisis‘ or a ‘security crisis’ -- everybody’s there for now and I think we’re getting to a point where something’s gotta give here, something’s gotta give.”
“Republicans and Democrats are now at a point -- whether you want to call it a ‘humanitarian crisis‘ or a ‘security crisis’ -- ... where something’s gotta give here.”
Stirewalt stressed that the U.S.-Mexico border is “one of the most important border crossings” in the entire world because the estimated $1.5 billion that is traded between both countries daily is “mind-boggling.”
Hemingway blasted Congress for its inaction on immigration reform, saying the current laws “incentivize” migrants to come to the U.S.
Elleithee pushed back on Trump’s decision to cut aid to three Central American countries, saying that they go to U.S.-run programs and not to their governments and how “devastating” it would be for business owners near the border if the president shuts down the border.