
Some 2012 GOP presidential candidates were quick to react to Friday's Bureau of Labor Statistics report showing the U.S. economy created zero jobs in August. Here is a look at their statements.

Rick Perry Campaign:

"Today's unemployment numbers continue to demonstrate the failed leadership of President Obama in turning our economy around and creating jobs. Governor Perry has a track record of job creation and he will continue talking about his ideas to get America working again."

 Mitt Romney Campaign:

"Today's disappointing unemployment report is further proof that President Obama has failed. President Obama oversaw an economy that created zero jobs last month and that is unacceptable. In order to change the direction of this country, we need to change presidents. Americans need a conservative businessman to get this economy moving again, not career politicians. That is why I am running. Next week, I will lay out my specific plan to put America back to work." - Mitt Romney

Newt Gingrich Campaign:

"Zero jobs created in August. No relief for the 25 million who are unemployed, underemployed or who have given up looking for work.

And the president thinks he's "frustrated?"

As we mark Labor Day, this bad news is especially poignant, but it's also not surprising.

Stagnant economic growth is the inevitable result of President Obama's commitment to class warfare and bureaucratic socialism.

The president routinely demonizes successful Americans, arguing they need to be punished with higher taxes. Is it any wonder that entrepreneurs are hesitant to invest, create new wealth and jobs?

This administration has issued one job killing regulation after another. Laws like Obamacare and Dodd-Frank are so complex and confusing that businesses can't predict their costs for the coming years. With so much uncertainty, is it any wonder businesses aren't hiring?"

Thaddeus McCotter Campaign:

"This latest jobs report again proves that, unlike President Obama and the GOP candidates who are unable or unwilling to understand the central problem in our economy, my economic growth plan is the one that will end this period of debt-deflation and stagnation by fundamentally restructuring Big Government into Citizen-government and recapitalizing the failed Wall Street Bailout Banks through free market forces."