
It’s always sunny in Spain. Particularly when you are the proud owner of a 4.5 billion-year-old star known as The Sun.

It’s the situation Angeles Duran, 49, finds herself in after she registered the lynchpin of life at a local notary public as being her property, the Spanish newspaper El Mundo reported.

Duran is at once patriotic and generous. as she only plans on keeping 10 percent of the proceeds due to her for people’s use of the celestial dynamo.

She hopes to donate a whopping 70 percent of her money to Spain. Half of the proceeds would go straight to the government, while another 20 percent would benefit the nation’s pension fund.

The final 10 percent would go towards ending world hunger.

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Also registered and owned by Duran are Tarzan’s primal scream and the largest musical score in the world.

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