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Quarantine Routine is a regular feature that asks power brokers how their daily lives have changed – and how they're still doing their jobs – during the coronavirus crisis.

Army veteran Matt Hesse, CEO and founder of sports nutrition brand PERFORMIX and high-end training facility Performix House in New York City, has been working hard to help veterans nationally find renewed purpose and employment through fitness and address the alarming veteran suicide issue.

In 2016, Hesse created the FitOps Foundation, a nonprofit all-expense paid training camp that uses the power of fitness to transform the lives of veteran men and women, giving them hope and purpose after serving their country. Participants graduate with a personal-training certification, business management skills, and a lifelong support network and community.

Army veteran Matt Hesse, the CEO of PERFORMIX, has been working hard nationally to help veterans returning from combat and keep them from committing suicide. (Matt Hesse)

Army veteran Matt Hesse, the CEO of PERFORMIX, has been working hard nationally to help veterans returning from combat and keep them from committing suicide. (Matt Hesse)


Hesse’s next step is building a full-time permanent veterans’ wellness and transition camp, tentatively in Northwest Arkansas, offering training, education, counseling, support and mentorship, so the foundation never has to turn a veteran away.

Hesse, 42, described how his daily routine has changed during the coronavirus pandemic, and how he’s staying positive in a Q&A with Fox News.

Fox News: How has your daily routine changed since social distancing measures began?
Matt Hesse: I’m a big proponent of starting the day with a solid workout. For me it sets my day up, and gets my mind right to crush the day. Normally, my day would start at 6 a.m., however my home duties have changed, so I’ve had to adjust accordingly. While I always try to get that morning workout in, sometimes I have to shift it to later in the day or get creative and find another way to get it in. If you want to stay in shape then you need to exercise and eat right, it’s as simple as that. For exercise a mix of cardio and strength training is important, and always put time into recovery - stretch, sleep, meditation. My philosophy on diet is everything in moderation - eat mostly healthy fruit, vegetables, lean protein, but enjoy a glass of wine or two!

Fox News: What are the biggest challenges in doing your job during this crisis? What do you miss the most about how you did your job before this began?
Hesse: In addition to the supplement brand PERFORMIX, we have a gym in Union Square called Performix House, which has been closed for months. It’s been a challenge navigating that, and the impact it had on employees and our culture, and also not knowing when it will reopen. I’m also a very creative thinker and am constantly bouncing ideas off people, so it’s been hard adjusting to doing that virtually rather than in person.


Fox News: What surprised you most about how life has changed?
Hesse: We are in unprecedented times, everyone is trying to find their silver lining in this experience, for me that has been being able to spend more time at home with my family. As terrible as this has all been, I believe that when we are able to put it behind us, humanity will have changed for the better, the silver linings, and perspectives we all gained will have pushed us to a “new normal,” one where our priorities are aligned with the things that matter in life. So while this has been hard and I am ready for it to be over, I am thankful for the silver lining!

Fox News: How do you blow off steam?
Hesse: Since Performix House is closed, I’ve switched gears and have been crushing one of Alex Touissant’s Peloton workouts most days! But at the end of a long day my favorite thing to do is mentor and spend time with the vets from my nonprofit foundation, FitOps.