Preview 'Ainsley's Bible Study'
Ainsley Earhardt introduces you to her Bible study at her home in New York City. Watch and feel connected to Ainsley and her group of friends as they share life-defining moments that have strengthened their faith in God.
I am southern – from the great state of South Carolina. They say, “You can take the girl out of the south, but you can’t take the south out of the girl.” And, it’s true.
I moved to New York City from Texas in 2007, where I lived for two years. Before that, I lived in South Carolina for the majority of my life. In both states, most people go to church regularly. So, when I moved to New York City – I started visiting different congregations immediately. I was used to worshiping every Sunday morning and that was one tradition I wasn’t giving up.
They were all Christian churches preaching that Jesus was the son of God but they were all different denominations. I still love visiting different services around the city even though I did find a church home in my neighborhood.
But I was craving more, intense teaching. I wanted to find a Bible study with a small group of women. Joshua 1:8 says, “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”
There were a few people at work, one friend from Texas and one from South Carolina who were also interested in a small-group study. We decided to meet in my tiny apartment and learn more about the Bible. That was about 10 years ago and we have since studied so many books of the Bible and different subjects. We have shared prayer requests, happy milestones, sad events, and been there for one another. We have seen prayers answered, babies born and relationships come and go. We have been there for one another and trust that our conversations are confidential.
I talk about my study often and many of my friends at Fox News know about this. Recently, Fox Nation executives approached me about coming to a study. They asked if they could come over, set up cameras and record our Bible study. I, of course, agreed with much excitement.
The other women agreed too and the majority showed up for the Bible study shoot. We all shared stories about how God was working in our lives, talked about what we learned from our homework and shared prayer requests. My dear friend, Kelly, shared a powerful story about God answering her prayers. I shared an experience about God’s protection when I was fearful and scared. And, my friend, Megan, had a big surprise for us all.
It was a fun, intimate, emotional night and I felt blessed that Fox wanted to share it with you, the viewers. If you want to learn more about what God is doing in our lives, you can subscribe to Fox Nation and watch the study. May God use our lives to bless yours.