
“Killer Women,” a drama produced by Sofia Vergara, did not get much life on the small screen — it was pulled from ABC’s schedule after just two weeks of dismal ratings and bad reviews.

Starring Tricia Helfer (“Battlestar Galactica”), the show opened to a painful 0.9 points among adults 18-49, before slipping to a 0.7 in its second episode, according to the Hollywood Reporter. The plot was based on the Argentine crime drama “Mujeres Asesinas.”

It was the second lowest-rated premiere of the fall behind ABC’s “Assests,” which was promptly canceled.

In place of "Killer Women," the studio moved up the premiere of “Mind Games” starring Christian Slater, which was originally slated for March 11 at 10 p.m. Now it will premiere Feb. 25 at 10 p.m. as part of its midseason schedule.

ABC president Paul Lee said they will continue to air “Killer Women” up until the new show’s premiere next month.

The studio also announced that “Dancing With The Stars” will return March 17 and the limited series “The Black Box” will launch in April. And there will be a two-night special of “The Bachelor” featuring Juan Pablo Galavis, airing Feb. 24 and Feb. 25.

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