
Jennifer Lopez doesn't like replays.

The pop diva loves her fashion and takes it so seriously that she reportedly has developed a high-tech system that tracks everything she has ever worn.

A person close to the singer told the New York Daily News’ Confidenti@l page that Lopez’s clothes, shoes and even some accessories have a bar code that, when scanned into a database, pull up a picture and a description that includes the item's size, color and the date it was last worn.

“She had her feet up at a meeting, and someone noticed that she had a bar code on her shoe and asked her if she borrowed them,” the insider told the Daily News. “Jennifer laughed and said no, that she has her own internal bar code system on all of her closets to digitally keep track of what she wore and when she wore it, so that she isn’t caught wearing the same thing twice.”

The system also includes a database of paparazzi shots of the singer, Confidenti@l reported. Additionally, JLo has a full-time staffer in charge of just her clothes.

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“She takes her fashion very seriously,” the singer said. “She never wants to be caught accidentally in the same thing twice. When she chooses to wear something more than once, it’s intentional.”

In the latest issue of Paper, Lopez spoke about her love for fashion.

“To me, it’s stuff that’s very custom made for you or fitted – that’s how I like all my clothes to feel,” she told the magazine. “I think every girl who wears any special thing, they want to feel like they’re a star.”

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