
Leonardo DiCaprio has had more than a few near-death experiences.

The actor revealed to Wired magazine he came face-to-face with a shark and was on a plane while it malfunctioned. He also had a seriously scary skydiving hiccup.

“If a cat has nine lives, I think I’ve used a few,” DiCaprio told Wired.

The star recalled when a great white shark “took about five or six snaps an arm’s length away from my head.”

“A great white jumped into my cage when I was diving in South Africa,” he said. “Half its body was in the cage, and it was snapping at me.”

DiCaprio also revealed he was once on a flight to Russia that made an emergency landing in New York after an engine malfunction.

“I was sitting there looking out at the wing, and the entire wing exploded in a fireball,” he said.

Finally, there was DiCaprio’s skydiving incident.

“It was a tandem dive. We pulled the first chute. That was knotted up… He pulled the second, and that was knotted up too. He just kept shaking it and shaking it in midair, as all my friends were, you know, what felt like half a mile above me, and I’m plummeting toward earth. [Laughs.] And he finally unravels it in midair.”

DiCaprio said he was warned by the man he was diving with that he could have broken his legs because of how fast they fell from the sky.

Click here to read more from DiCaprio’s interview in Wired.