Corey Feldman reveals the name of his sexual predator
Fox411: 80's star Corey Feldman sat down with Dr. Oz and revealed John Grissom, an actor with parts in two of Feldman's films, as the man who attacked him when he was 14.
Corey Feldman shared excerpts of a lost 1993 audio recording he said was made during an interview with California law enforcement in which he divulged the name of a man who sexually abused him as a minor.
The audio played on "The Dr. Oz Show" Monday, which Feldman said he only recently discovered in his car, revealed Feldman naming actor Jon Grissom as his sexual molester when he was interviewed by the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office. Feldman was 15 years old at the time of the alleged abuse that he contends lasted for more than a year and a half.
Feldman thought the police were investigating Grissom at the time, but realized later they were investigating child molestation claims against his friend, pop superstar Michael Jackson.
"They weren't interested in Jon Grissom," Feldman told host Dr. Mehmet Oz.
Feldman had previously named Grissom on the same talk show on November 3. Grissom was arrested in 2001 for sexual abuse against a minor.
Feldman said if the police had acted after his interview, it could have stopped Grissom from abusing others.
Feldman also speculated that the police had more nefarious motives in going after Jackson instead of pursuing Feldman's claims against Grissom.
“They were trying to frame Michael Jackson and burying the Corey Feldman story," he said.
Feldman told the syndicated talk show that he had "spent my entire life fighting this battle. No one was listening then. No one is listening now. [The] LAPD is still not investigating it."
The Santa Barbara County Sherrif's office told Fox News in October that the Feldman tapes from the 1993 Michael Jackson investigation did not exist. But last week they sent an email explaining they had recently found the recordings and turned them over to the Los Angeles Police Department.
Feldman claimed to Dr. Oz that, by chance, he found his copy of the same recordings in the back of his car the day before he learned that the Santa Barbara police had discovered theirs.
Dr. Oz asked Feldman if he felt vindicated.
“Not yet. Vindication will come when my best friend’s (Corey Haim) perpetrators are behind bars, my perpetrators are behind bars," said Feldman.
Fox News reached out to the LAPD repeatedly about the unearthed audio tape and also asked if an investigation would be launched, but did not receive comment.