Charlie’s Sheen bodyguard asked reporters for five thousand dollars to arrange an interview with the “Two and a Half Men” actor, according to the Colombian daily El Heraldo.
It was unclear if requested the sum of money was for Sheen or for the bodyguard.
Sheen, who according to gossip site TMZ is in Colombian filming a documentary, stayed at the most expensive hotel in Cartagena, booking the presidential suite along with 20 additional rooms for a large entourage that recorded his every move.
So far Sheen has been on his best behavior. El Heraldo reports that American star was even seen flirting with Diana Rodríguez, a waitress for the restaurant Café del Mar. The publication states that Sheen did not hold back when it came to kissing her hand.
“I knew he was a very famous man,” Rodríguez said. “What surprised me was how simple he really is.”
Rodríguez added that Sheen took photos with other customers and even joked around with them
This is a much calmer side of Sheen, who earlier this year trashed a hotel room while his escort frantically called 911 from the bathroom half naked, claiming she was scared for her life.
Sheen said he was only looking for his expensive rolex watch. After the blowup, Sheen had an interview on NBC where he explained why AA Anonymous "was written for normal people, people that aren't special."
"People that don't have tiger blood, you know, Adonis DNA,"said Sheen. He then added how CBS (he’s former employer) “Picked a fight with a warlock" and that the network caused him "psychological distress."
"I'm tired of pretending like I'm not special. I'm tired of pretending like I'm not bitchin', a total frickin' rock star from Mars," he said. "People can't figure me out; they can't process me. I don't expect them to. You can't process me with a normal brain."
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