Can Kate keep pregnancy private?
Princess Kate's pregnancy will test the limits of the Royal Family's patience with the press
NEW YORK – The Duchess of Cambridge was admitted to – and then released from – the hospital this week with extreme morning sickness. During her stay, a radio station was able to get information about her condition when they prank called the hospital. On Friday, the nurse who allowed the call to get through to Kate's nurse was found dead of an apparent suicide.
The cascading series of events, from her rushed pregnancy announcement to surprise hospital stay to associated tragedy, all in one week, shows the extreme attention the Royal pregnancy has already stirred up, and will continue to fuel in the coming months.
So how will Kate deal with the world's prying eyes? So far, the answer seems to be head on. The Duchess left the hospital on Thursday camera ready and unafraid to face the media madness.
"She didn’t scurry out under some dark coat covering her head," said Bonnie Fuller, Editor-in-Chief of Hollywood "She went out and faced the media with a smile and allowed for a photo opportunity."
But Royal watcher Rob Shuter of says the very public Kate will be kept under tighter wraps behind the very high walls of Kensington Palace going forward.
“Kensington Palace is a very remote palace. It’s behind a guarded wall. You cannot get in or get out without permission and it’s living in the lap of luxury. She’s not locked up in a little room in London.” Shuter said. “She has an entire palace, an entire staff, and entire back garden to respect her privacy. She’ll have 24 hour security so Kate’s going to be very safe."
Fuller felt that despite her semi-retirement from her adoring public for the duration of her pregnancy, Kate won’t hide from her fans completely.
“I don’t think that Kate’s going to want to be protected to the same degree that Princess Diana or other royals in the past have been. Kate and William have been very open with their subjects and in fact they have used Twitter, they’ve used Facebook, they’ve used social media to announce events in their lives," said Fuller. "In fact, this announcement [of her pregnancy] came on Twitter."
Shuter said Kate will likely be out and about, here and there, depending on her health.
“She loves meeting people," Shuter said. "She’s a fantastic ambassador for the royal family so if she’s well enough I predict she will be back out there in very controlled, small events."