
Move over, Kim Kardashian, there’s another emoji app set to take the spotlight.

On Wednesday, Amber Rose launched her own app with strikingly similar figures — including large butts and pole dancing.

According to TMZ, Rose, 32, already pocketed $4 million off the new business venture including a big signing bonus. The site adds Rose earned $2 million on its opening day.

Some social media trolls are claiming Rose’s venture is too similar to 35-year-old Kardashian’s.

“I really can’t believe Amber Rose copied Kim Kardashian by making her own emoji app,” read one comment.

While likenesses are not out of the question, one comedian won’t be downloading the app on his phone.

Rose took aim at Bill Cosby and his sexual assault scandal, suggesting he’s guilty.

Cosby’s emoji features him wearing a flamboyant sweater, holding a prison plate that reads “I Did It.”

This story first appeared on NYPost.com.