Argentina's president insults her Chinese hosts

Argentine President Cristina Fernandez places her hand over her chest as she stands next to Chinese President Xi Jinping while the Argentine national anthem is played during a welcome ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing Wednesday, Feb. 4, 2015. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)

By all outward appearances, Argentina's embattled president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, hasn't had a very good week.

First, investigators probing a prosecutor’s death said Tuesday they found a draft document he wrote requesting her arrest in relation to a cover-up of a 1994 bombing of a Buenos Aires Jewish center.

The administration has denied wrongdoing, even as Fernández de Kirchner is on a state visit to China, during which the leaders of the countries signed 15 agreements covering travel visas, information technology, media, energy, space technology and financing, as well as collaboration on two new nuclear power plants to be built in Argentina.

The China visit has not brought a respite from controversy.

Fernández de Kirchner chose to make fun of Chinese accents on her official Twitter account.

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Commenting about a meeting of 1,000 Argentine and Chinese businessmen, she wrote, "More than 1,000 assistants at the event... Are they all from 'La Cámpola'" – referring to a political youth group, La Cámpora, that supports her government – "and did they come just for the 'lice' and 'petloleum'?"

With more than 3.5 million followers, there wasn't much chance that the comment would go unnoticed. The response was largely negative, with one commenter calling her, "ignorant, stupid and racist –what a gem!"

Unrepentant, Fernández de Kirchner followed up with this tweet: "Sorry. You know what? The excess [in the media] is so absurd and ridiculous, that it can only be digested through humor. If not, they are very, very toxic."

Then, the president "pinned" her original tweet about rice and petroleum to the top of her twitter feed.

Given the Communist government's prohibiting Twitter in China, her hosts may not notice.

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