The ball is pitched in an underhand motion and delivered below the waist.
The strike zone is any reachable ball from the top of the head to 6 inches off the ground.
A strikeout will occur after a warning by the umpire and three strikes are either called or swung at.
Foul balls are not strikes.
A walk will occur after a warning by the umpire and three unreachable balls are called by the umpire.
All base runners advance on a walk.
A player cannot overrun first base.
Catching a ball on one bounce is an out, but runners may advance without tagging up.
The distance between bases is 90 feet and the pitching distance is 45 feet.
All base runners must return to their base on a foul ball or risk being put out.
A ball is fair or foul depending on where it first hits the ground.
Home plate is round.
The pitching area is 12 feet by 3 feet.
Source: New York Mutuals Base Ball Club