
The SEIU, the Service Employees International Union, and Priorities USA Action, the super-PAC helping President Barack Obama's re-election campaign, have released a new Spanish language radio ad airing in Tampa and Orlando attacking Mitt Romney.

The ad is expected to run over the next several weeks at a cost of "six figures" that would be "split" between both organizations, according to Paul Begala, Senior Advisor of Priorities USA Action.

"We feel like Romney is misleading voters and we want to be there to correct the record," Begala said in a teleconference. "If elected President, Mitt Romney’s policies would be devastating to Hispanic families. In a Romney administration, the tax burden would shift onto middle class families in order to protect corporations and the wealthiest Americans,"

The 60 second ad is entitled 'Dos Caras' or Two Faces. The commercial's main purpose is to highlight, what organizers say, is Romney's two-faced message to the Latino community.

"In Spanish [ads] he says he believes in us, and in English he says he would veto the DREAM Act and would deport immigrants," said Eliseo Medina, SEIU Secretary-Treasurer. "For Latinos immigration is a defining personal issue."

The ad specifically mentions Romney's embrace of his endorsement by Kris Kobach - the chief architect of the country’s most controversial state immigration laws.

The ad says: (Listen to the ad here.)

On the one hand, he launches a commercial here in Florida targeted to Hispanic voters to try and convince us that he shares our values.

But in another state he boasts about having the endorsement of Kris Kobach, a leader in the anti-Hispanic movement and author of many anti-immigrant laws like Arizona’s SB 1070 that unfairly attack our families and spread fear and uncertainty in our communities. 

Albert Martinez, an adviser for the Romney campaign and a former strategist for Marco Rubio, has responded to the ad.

"This is a dishonest smear from President Obama's liberal allies and a desperate attempt to distract from his abysmal record. It will do nothing to help the millions of Hispanics who have been hit especially hard as a result of the Obama economy," Martinez said. "Hispanics, like all Floridians, are supporting Mitt Romney because they know he has a proven record as a conservative businessman, and is the best person to rebuild the economy that President Obama has spent three and half years destroying."

Romney's comment in Monday nights NBC Debate regarding self deportation has also fueled outrage from the SEIU.

"I heard about these candidates talk about self deportation and it clearly said to me what they think a bout the Latino community and immigrants," Medina said. "Make their life miserable so that they leave the country."

Where Mitt Romney Stands on Latino Issues

The SEIU and Priorities USA Action says this is only the beginning and that the other candidates, especially former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, should be on the look out.

"Right now, it's the moment for Mitt Romney to feel the love," Begala said. "The ad will continue to run when Romney packs up and hits west."

The release of "Dos Caras" is the latest of many Spanish language ads to hit Florida's media markets in the last month. Both Romney and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich have released their own Spanish-language ads in an attempt to win Latino votes in Florida.

Gingrich is airing radio ads that tell listeners that Romney borrowed from a phrase from Cuban leader Fidel Castro. Romney's campaign has called the attack "ridiculous."

Nonetheless, the SEIU and Priorities USA Action, say that this ad is just the beginning.

"Stay tuned," Medina said. "I think Mr. Romney and Gingrich, unless they begin to change course, are on their way to the political elephant graveyard and not the White House."

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