
The score last week was distressing. America got its butt kicked all over the globe.

The French said no more soldiers for Afghanistan.

The Brits will send only a measly 500.

Pakistan is exploding.

The UN Human Rights Council approved its outrageous report of the Gaza war, accusing Israel of war crimes.

The Russians, after jerking us around on sanctions against Iran, said nyet.

The Chinese didn't bother to jerk us around, saying no without hesitation.

We have only ourselves to blame for much of this mess. President Obama is dithering on our commitment to Afghanistan, we didn't try very hard to protect Israel's right of self-defense at the UN, and our position on Iran remains maddeningly muddled.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton added to the confusion in an interview with ABC News. After saying, "We remain committed to preventing Iran from becoming a nuclear weapons power," she said sanctions would signal "a result of the diplomatic track failing. So we are committed to the diplomatic track."

Clinton, who in last year's campaign promised to "obliterate" Iran if it used nuclear weapons, now says she retains "a small space for doubt" that Iran is actually trying to get nukes. Incredible.

And Neville Chamberlain said Herr Hitler wanted peace.

Michael Goodwin is a New York Post columnist and Fox News contributor. To continue reading his complete column, click here