For decades, the Boy Scouts of America kept the names of accused molesters quiet. (AP/BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA)
Liberals have learned that if they attack, attack and attack some more, they can pressure organizations into surrender. Just like France.
That was the case with the Boy Scouts, a group that has repeatedly caved to alt-left pressure. President Trump spoke to more than 40,000 Scouts, leaders and volunteers Tuesday at the National Scout Jamboree in West Virginia and the media and left went insane – comparing the Scouts to the Hitler Youth. Anyone who cheers this president gets thrown under the Panzer by liberals.
On Thursday the Scout leadership bowed to the assault. "I want to extend my sincere apologies to those in our Scouting family who were offended by the political rhetoric that was inserted into the jamboree," said Chief Scout Executive Michael Surbaugh. "That was never our intent."
President Trump’s speech caused a media firestorm because the president tying his shoes would cause a media firestorm. He was attacked by liberals, and both news and entertainment media.
The New York Times headlined that “Late Show” host Stephen Colbert “Says Trump Attacked Boy Scouts’ “Belief in Our Democracy.” Colbert built his career on attacking conservatives and recently drew criticism for making an obscene reference to President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Compared to that, saying the Boy Scouts were like Hitler Youth was mild for the left. But liberals were angry that the Scouts cheered President Trump. So they compared them to Nazis. That sounds reasonable to no one except libs.
Liberals have been calling Trump a Nazi since 2015 when he first began his race. One of the most obvious examples of that stupidity was ABC’s “The View” star Whoopi Goldberg. In response to Trump’s opposition to bringing Syrian refugees to the U.S., she compared the two and said: “Hitler was a Christian.” She also made a similar comparison to Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh.
That was amateur hour compared to this week. Liberals call Trump Hitler or say he’s a Nazi at the drop of a hat. But liberals went from attacking Trump to attacking kids with the same ferocity.
Here’s how Newsweek set the order of battle. “‘As the scout law says, a scout is trustworthy, loyal,’ Trump said, before adding, ‘We could use some more loyalty, I will tell you that.’ As he spoke, the crowd chanted ‘U.S.A’ and applauded.”
Oh geez, they chanted “U.S.A” and applauded. The social media battle began. Twitter hashtags filled the space that sanity sometimes occupies. Terms like “#Hitler Youth” “#Hitler” and “#HitlersYouth” were flooded with comments from humans and bots.
Far-left filmmaker Michael Moore cited a famous Nazi propaganda movie in his comparison: “I'm an Eagle Scout. Trump using the 30,000 BoyScouts as his props tonight was a scene out of Triumph of the Will. Shocking abuse of children.”
John Haltiwanger, senior politics writer for the obscure Elite Daily (“The Voice Of Generation-Y™”) started making comparisons between President Trump and Hitler. Haltiwanger said both wanted loyalty and didn’t like the press. But he didn’t stop there: “Trump is not Hitler. Would be irresponsible to say they're the same. But he did make the Boy Scouts feel a lot like the Hitler Youth today,” he tweeted.
Soap opera star Nancy Lee Grahn joined in. “Tragically, #boyscouts in 2017 applaud Trump just like the all blonde blue eyed youth did for Hitler in the 30's.”
Medium ran a piece by S. Novi headlined: “Deranged Trump Emulates Hitler Youth Speech to Boy Scouts.”
Igor Volsky, a vice president at the George Soros-funded Center for America Progress, was slightly more subtle. “Trump is trying to turn the Boy Scouts into Trump Youth,” he wrote. There were so many Nazi references running around on the left, it looked like Joseph Goebbels was running their media machine.
Even the outlets commenting on the trend embraced their biases. “Of all of the outrageous and reprehensible things Trump has said and done over the past six months of his presidency, this seems to have really struck a raw nerve with people for a number of reasons,” wrote Uproxx. Buzzfeed focused on angry Scout leaders, who naturally made the “Hitler Youth” comparison.
CNN Editor-at-large Chris Cillizza listed “the 29 most cringe-worthy lines from Donald Trump's hyper-political speech to the Boy Scouts.” But remember, CNN only thinks conservative media have opinions.
The left has long hated the Boy Scouts, bullying the organization into accepting first gay scoutmasters and now pushing to let girls join the Boy Scouts. Because boys aren’t allowed to have any spaces where they can just be boys. And every organization must push a left-wing agenda, or be destroyed. Or surrender. And then be destroyed. The left is OK with either.