
Is she or isn't she?

Salma Hayek has denied that she is a feminist in the past, but in a recent interview, the actress is changing her tune.

“I am a feminist because I love women and I am ready to fight for women,” Hayek, 48, told the Guardian. “I am a feminist because I am proud to be a woman, and I am passionate about making the world a better place for women."

She continued: "I am a feminist because a lot of amazing women have made me the woman I am today. I am inspired by women every day, as friends and as colleagues.”

The Mexican actress spoke out against being labeled a feminist when she received the Equality Now award at the Make Equality Reality event last November.

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“I am not a feminist. If men were going through the things women are going through today, I would be fighting for them with just as much passion. I believe in equality,” said Hayek, who founded Chime-for-Change, an organization that fights for women’s rights around the world.

In her interview with the Guardian, the “Frida” actress pointed out that she is a feminist, but it’s not because she is a woman.

“It should be a reflex, if someone else is being hurt, to help. It shouldn’t have to be because you are being a victim too,” Hayek added.

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