MSNBC’s Kasie Hunt seemed happy that Republican Sen. Rand Paul suffered six broken ribs and a buildup of excess fluid in his lungs when he was attacked earlier this month, before quickly apologizing for her on-air statement.
“New details today on the incident that left Senator Rand Paul with six broken ribs – this might be one of my favorite stories,” the liberal reporter said last week.
The MSNBC host quickly seemed to realize she was condoning violence and started to downplay her comments, but appeared to lose her train of thought midsentence, saying, “Although, of course, we don’t… clearly Senator Paul still struggling.”
Hunt took to Twitter shortly after her on-air mishap, saying “there is nothing funny about 6 broken ribs.”
“My apologies to @RandPauI for suggesting on air earlier today there was. Hope your recovery is on the right track, senator, looking forward to seeing you in the hallways soon,” she tweeted.
Hunt is the liberal network’s Capitol Hill correspondent and hosts “Kacie DC,” which airs on Sunday nights. She is billed as a straight-news reporter, as opposed to an opinion host. The 32-year-old Hunt is seen as a rising star at the liberal network. She appears across all NBC News and MSNBC platforms including “Nightly News with Lester Holt,” “TODAY,” and “Morning Joe.”
Hunt started her career as a writer for the Associated Press and Politico before joining NBC.

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., arrives on Capitol Hill in Washington, Monday, Nov. 13, 2017. Paul entered the chamber, hands by his sides, to cast a vote. Paul was attacked Nov. 3 while mowing his lawn, authorities said. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais) (AP)
Meanwhile, Paul returned to Capitol Hill two weeks ago after he was brutally attacked at his Kentucky home. He was attacked while mowing his lawn on Nov. 3, according to authorities. The neighbor -- Rene Boucher -- attacked Paul from behind after he had gotten off of his lawn mower.
Boucher's attorney insisted the attack had "nothing to do" with politics, but rather was due to a "landscaping dispute." A senior adviser to Paul disputed that claim.
Boucher, 59, was charged with misdemeanor assault for the attack.
MSNBC did immediately not respond to request for comment.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.